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Frankenstein – By Mary Shelley; Book Review

Frankenstein is a terror, science-fiction novel written by English author Mary Shelley published in 1818. Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. 

Frankenstein is much more than just a green, grotesque, lumbering, giant monster. It is a story of life, death, love, friendship and revenge. It shows us different sides of the story. The creator who gets fed up with his creation, and the creation itself who is desperate to be loved and understood. 

Thus we get to know both main characters, their personalities and ambitions. 

Victor Frankenstein is an ambitious, enthusiastic, brilliant young scientist obsessed with uncovering the secrets of life and death. Determined to accomplish what no man had ever done before, he manages to give life to a creature, he has created himself using parts of dead bodies.

However, when Victor sees the result of his experiment, he instantly regrets what he has done. The monster looks so grotesque and unnatural , that even Victor, his creator does not want it.

On the other hand the author shows that the monster has many human characteristics. Including the need for love, friendship and belonging. But he also has the impulse to punish rejection with anger and violence.

Frankenstein is a perfect read due to its imaginative and thrilling story. The author also has a unique writing style. The poetic style at times creates a perfect balance to the horrifying events described.

Victor’s thirst for knowledge. His curiosity, his first experience with death and sorrow. Frustration when facing an unsolvable riddle. His need to push the boundaries. This and much more makes Mary Shelley’s story of Frankenstein and his monster a compulsive read.


©️✍️Sheetal Pradhan Deshpande 


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